Passing of presents to a story
Still passing
Anthony and his teacher Mrs. Ericson
Anthony and his buddy Patrick
Well I think I have you all caught up. We had family game night this past Sat night. It was lots of fun. We were in our pj's at 6pm and we made pizza and finger foods and played games until we all snuggled into bed. Of course it was just me , Alan and Anthony . Our pre-teen was off at a friends house. He has better things to do then hang out with the fam. Can't be mad, I was there once myself.. And it is Christmas break you know......I have a feeling it's only gonna get worse...
It's brrrrr Cold here!!!! And I am officially done Christmas Shopping!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! Now I can snuggle on the couch and have no worries. I even have most of them wrapped.. Just waiting for Santa now. Ho! Ho! Ho!!
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