Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hi Ho , Hi Ho, It's back to the Railroad we go!!!!

Well we new this was coming. Al is going back to what he does best " Railroading". We have very mixed feelings about this. Don't get me wrong , it's a good thing. But we have enjoyed him lots these last 2 years. So we will have to readjust a little. We are so very proud of him. And the really good thing is, we don't have to move. Yeah!!!!!!! Congratulation Babe on your new job!!!!! I know you are gonna be great... We love you lots!!!!
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1 comment:

RickyRailroad said...

I miss you. You are one of the most talented men I know.
How have you been?

Rick Fogle - retired 1 year and 10 months, Love it!