Sunday, October 26, 2008


Anthony's soccer team won the championship. He had an awesome 1st year of playing soccer. He scored the first goal in the championship game... GO LITTLE TUNA!!!!! I think I might have to get one of those sign's that says " My hockey mom is better than your soccer mom" But which mom will I be??? Both!!! :)

Alex has started hockey, but no games until next week. Anthony has also started basketball, and will have games starting the 2nd week of Nov. They just keep me busy , bus y, busy...... Just the way I like it...

School is also going well for both boys. Report cards come out on Wednesday. It may be a quiet weekend for both Satunas boys, as they could be grounded for the weekend.. No, I get to look online at the grades and they both are doing really well. Anthony is reading like he has never had any trouble. Miss Diane works very well one on one with him. And he has improved so much. Alex hasn't had much homework thus far , but maybe 2nd quarter will be a little more challenging for him... I'll keep you posted on that one....
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