Monday, March 23, 2009

I'm Back!!!

Got my new little laptop this past week and have actually downloaded all my pictures that I had on my camera. Yeah me!!! So that means I'm back to blogging on a regular basis.
I think I have u caught up on pictures and info , so I'm back on track..... Until the next time, Hope everyone has a GREAT week... Spring hockey starts this weekend. Had a nice (needed) 2 week break. And Baseball starts April 1st. Back to being busy ,busy, busy..........:)


Jenny said...

Glad to hear from you. Can't wait to see some pics.

Murillo Family said...

So glad you are back, sometimes the site can be so crazy-keep trying-we love to see what you are up to. I LOVE your playlist along the side. I haven't figured that out yet. Keep posting!!