Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break!!!!

We just finished up with spring break. We had a very low key week. Stayed around home and enjoyed some family time. Al took the week off to hang with us as well :) Got alot done around the house, baseball practice started, and spent some time with friends and family.

My mom's birthday was April 8th. Happy Birthday MOM!!! Love u lots!!!

We had my sister Kandi's memorial service and we will have a celebration of life party on April 25th... She is home now and is enjoying life.... We miss & Love u Kandi!!!

8th grade Graduation is coming way tooo fast... Not sure I'm ready to have a kid in High School just yet, but I better get ready because it's happening whether I'm ready or not... :)

Anthony will no longer be in grade school :( My baby will be in Jr. High come next fall... Wow how time flies!!!!

Both kids have been doing VERY well grade wise in school this year... We are sooo proud of them... Keep up the good work boys!!! Only 32 more days to go... U can do it!!! I'm not counting or anything :)

We had our first bon fire get together with friends this weekend.... Cook out, fire, warm weather & friends... = Life is good!!!! Can't wait for summer and pool time :)

I will also be working a little this summer at Lynn's Tumbling.. I will be teaching a few classes to little ones. I'm very excited!!! I did gymnastics & tumbling my whole life.(since I was 3).. I guess I should of finished my degree in teaching since I seem to be doing a lot of that lately.... :)

I'm sorry I have NO pictures to post... I'm totally slacking.. Or I just have picky friends that won't let me keep any pictures on my camera they don't like.... LOL!!! Love u guys!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying this warmer weather.. I know The Satunas Family is.... :) I'll blog later.. Hopefully with some new pictures to share....

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